Deer Resistant Plants

Qualities of Deer Resistant Plants.

Unfortunately NO plant is completely deer proof, but there are some plants that deer tend to leave alone. They usually avoid plants that have…

  • Furry/fuzzy leaves

  • Strong scents and a pungent taste

  • Thorns (except for roses) and prickly leaves/stems

  • Poisonous plants or ones containing a thick sap

Stop in at Country Garden Shed and we will be happy to show you deer resistant plants you can add to your gardens!

Oh no…

You’ve planted all the deer resistant plants but they’re still eating them?

Don’t worry, there’s more options!

We carry these sprays which we have used in our own gardens and highly recommend them!

Deer Out

This spray has a minty scent which deer naturally stay away from. This solution is super long lasting, 100% natural, and won’t wash off in the rain! It also works great in all seasons!

40 oz. Deer Out Spray Bottle $18.95

Deer Defeat

This spray deters by odor and taste and works great for keeping deer, as well as rabbits, groundhogs, and other small rodents out of your gardens! This solution won’t wash off in the rain and is actually nourishing to the plants and vegetation you spray it on! Safe for humans and animals!

32 oz. Deer Defeat Spray Bottle $19.95

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